Introducing the Private Smart Home Blog
Welcome to The Private Smart Home blog! This blog will be focusing on smart home technologies which can be hosted on your home network as opposed to running on the cloud. If you are interesting in setting up a smart home and you rather not have everything “phone home” and/or require Internet access in order to function, you have come to the right place!
Since I am fairly new to implementing smart home technology, I plan to slowly grow and expand this blog as I learn new things. Early on my focus will be on the handful of devices and software that I am currently using since I have the most experience with those items. At the time of this writing, I am using Home Assistant running in a Proxmox virtual machine and several Z-Wave devices. Over time I plan to try out new software that I may not necessarily use in my home so that you can be more informed on a variety of smart home technologies.
I began blogging about more advanced home networking topics over 3 years ago and decided to create a separate blog to focus on smart home technology. As stated earlier, my knowledge of smart home technology is not as comprehensive as it is for networking, but I am pushing more into this area. Due to the success of my other blog, I felt it is worth documenting this new topic of interest in hopes that it will help others who are exploring this area as well. If you are interested in more advanced home networking topics and would like some reading material while waiting for more content on this blog, feel free to check out my other blog: Home Network Guy.
On each blog post, comments are enabled and I have a contact form available where you can submit feedback directly to my email if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions for new topics. I appreciate constructive feedback so that I can create quality content. Since I am maintaining multiple blogs in my free time, my responses may be delayed, but I will try to get to them as soon as I can.
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